Friday, September 2, 2011

Geeking Out

Ok so as per usual with me, I'm completely geeking out, except this time with some future musical info.  If you knew me in high school then you know that I'm pretty into musical theatre.  I kinda kept it on the DL in college, but my passion never abated.  In the last few days on I've noticed two musicals posts that almost made me pee my pants.  Surrriously.

#1: LES MIS MOVIE IS COMING!!!  If any of you haven't listened to the Les Mis 25th Anniversary Concert in youtube, you are missing out.  Please, increase the beauty of your life and go to youtube and watch some of the videos.  There's some serious awesomeness occurring.  Anyways, here's the article and a video from the 25th Anniversary Concert
Les Mis Possible Casting...personally I'd like to see Anne Hathaway as Fantine rather than Amy Adams.  Its not that I don't think Amy Adams could do it, but I think that I'll always see her as Giselle from Enchanted and I think I'll have a hard time picturing her as anything but sweet and adorable.  Yes, I know she was in the Fighter.  She was awesome.  It still doesn't change how I see her.  Also, I would just like to remind the writers at that Geoffrey Rush was Javert in the film adaptation of Les Mis, but I agree, he would be a pretty hilarious Thénardier.

#2: NEWSIES MUSICAL!  I have loved this awful B-film musical since I was in middle school and I can't tell you just how excited I am that they are making this into a Broadway musical.  I can't even imagine just how ridiculous this is gonna be, but there had better be a ridiculous amount of dancing and if King of New York is taken out, I may consider boycotting for a hot second.

#3: This isn't a musical, but check out the photo from the new AVENGERS film.  Some of my favorite hotties all in one spot.  Cannot wait for this film.

I'll be out of town for the rest of the weekend, so all I've gotta say is GO HOOS!!! Let's try and beat William and Mary this time.  I know, very difficult for a D1 school to beat the D2 school, but let's put on our best game face and kick some ass this time!  For realz, WWTJD

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